In the vast world of Aeternum, New World by Amazon Games Studios, pigments play a crucial role in crafting dyes and certain furniture items. These pigments are obtained from Prismablooms, vibrant flowers that spawn in specific regions across the map. Here's a detailed guide on where to find each pigment color and how to utilize them effectively.
Pigment Colors and Locations
Each pigment color corresponds to a specific type of Prismabloom, which can be found in the following regions:
Pigment ColorPrismabloom ColorLocationBlack PigmentBlack PrismabloomBrightwoodBlue PigmentBlue PrismabloomRestless ShoreBrown PigmentBrown PrismabloomWeaver’s FenCyan PigmentCyan PrismabloomReekwaterGreen PigmentGreen PrismabloomMonarch’s BluffsMagenta PigmentMagenta PrismabloomFirst LightOrange PigmentOrange PrismabloomEverfallPurple PigmentViolet PrismabloomEbonscale ReachRed PigmentRed PrismabloomShattered MountainTurquoise PigmentTurquoise PrismabloomWindswardWhite PigmentWhite PrismabloomGreat CleaveYellow PigmentYellow PrismabloomCutlass Keys & Mourningdale
How to Obtain Pigments
Harvesting Prismablooms: Use a sickle with a yield bonus and ensure you have a yield buff active, such as from the Luck’s Labor song, to maximize the number of pigments obtained from each Prismabloom. Each flower can yield between 2 to 6 pigments.
Trading Post: If you prefer not to hunt for Prismablooms, you can purchase pigments directly from the Trading Post in any settlement. This method allows you to access a wide variety of pigments without the need for extensive exploration.
While exploring the vast world of Aeternum in New World, players also engage in economic activities, including trading and crafting. Though pigments are not directly related to new world coins, these coins are essential for acquiring materials and resources from the Trading Post. The ability to buy and sell items, including pigments, with new world coins allows players to optimize their crafting experience and obtain materials efficiently. This flexibility in the economy makes the game more engaging and dynamic.
Crafting Dyes
Pigments are primarily used to craft dyes, which can be applied to armor and clothing to change their color. Dye recipes require a combination of pigments and water. Here’s a general outline of how to craft dyes:
Ingredients: 2 of one pigment color and 1 of another, plus 3 units of water.
Location: Dyes are crafted at a kitchen in any settlement. Ensure you have a kitchen of the appropriate tier for the dye recipe you wish to craft.
Additional Uses of Pigments
Besides crafting dyes, pigments are also required for certain furniture recipes. This not only adds a touch of color to your home but also contributes to increasing your Furnishing trade skill.
Tips for Pigment Farming
Route Planning: Create routes on the Aeternum map to efficiently locate Prismablooms.
Yield Buffs: Always use yield buffs and a sickle with a yield bonus to maximize pigment yield.
Trading Post: Keep an eye on the Trading Post for pigments if you're having trouble finding specific Prismablooms.
By following this guide, you'll be well-equipped to explore Aeternum, gather the necessary pigments, and enhance your crafting experience in New World. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or just starting out, mastering pigment locations will help you unlock a world of colorful possibilities.
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Exploring New World Pigment Locations can be quite rewarding, as it opens up opportunities for crafting and enhancing gear. Just like using geckodriver for automating web tasks, efficient exploration in the game requires some smart strategies.